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Plant Palace Botanicals

Fresh herbal remedies and handcrafted products, created by Starr Shoemaker, Thomas Brown, the land, and the supportive community of the T.A.O.

Nestled in Acme, Pennsylvania, as part of our evolving “Art Oasis,” Plant Palace is a small, self-designed, hand-built, and fully off-grid studio located on our land. This unique structure was constructed using 75% reclaimed materials, with support from family and friends—some contributing through hands-on work, others through financial aid, and many offering blessings and encouragement.

Over the past decade, I’ve worked alongside herbalists and immersed myself in various healing practices. My personal journey of self-healing led me to study under renowned herbalist Susun Weed of the Catskills in upstate New York, and I am currently enrolled in the “Vital Herbalist” scholarship program with herbalist Matthew Wood, MS, in Wisconsin. However, my deepest education comes from the plants themselves. Growing up near the Monongahela River in Pennsylvania and spending much of my life on the magical 12 acres of land I share with my husband, Thomas, I’ve learned to listen to the wisdom of the plants that surround us. Together, we protect, nurture, and honor the land with which we are in partnership with.

At Plant Palace, every botanical remedy is crafted with healthy, thriving plants—either wildcrafted from the abundant landscapes around us or lovingly cultivated. We care for each one with gratitude, love, and awe.

With much gratitude, 

Sara "Starr"

We invite you to explore our selection of botanicals and find the support your body needs for nourishment and healing.

Click here or on icon below  to view our available products.

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